Source code for stellar_base.address

# coding: utf-8

import requests

from .horizon import Horizon
from .keypair import Keypair
from .exceptions import AccountNotExistError, NotValidParamError
from .horizon import HORIZON_LIVE, HORIZON_TEST

[docs]class Address(object): """The :class:`Address` object, which represents an address (public key) on Stellar's network. An :class:`Address` is initialized via a public key string, or derived via a secret seed. The network on which the account exists is also specified, as it is used to verify and set attributes via connecting to Horizon. It mostly exists as a helper class for Horizon operations on a given account ID. :param str address: The address string that represents this :class:`Address`. :param str secret: The secret seed string that is used to derive the address for this :class:`Address`. :param str network: The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from. Must be either 'PUBLIC' or 'TESTNET'. :param Horizon horizon: The :class:`Horizon` instance to use for connecting to for additional information for the account to which this address corresponds to. """ # TODO: Make network an enum def __init__( self, address=None, secret=None, network='TESTNET', horizon=None): if address is None and secret is None: # FIXME: Throw a better exception raise Exception('oops,need a stellar address or secret') if address is None and secret is not None: self.address = Keypair.from_seed(secret).address().decode() else: self.address = address self.secret = secret if network.upper() != 'PUBLIC': = 'TESTNET' else: = 'PUBLIC' if horizon: if isinstance(horizon, Horizon): self.horizon = horizon else: self.horizon = Horizon(horizon) elif network.upper() == 'PUBLIC': self.horizon = Horizon(HORIZON_LIVE) else: self.horizon = Horizon(HORIZON_TEST) self.sequence = None self.balances = None self.paging_token = None self.thresholds = None self.flags = None self.signers = None = None
[docs] def get(self): """Retrieve the account data that corresponds to this :class:`Address`. Retrieve the account data from Horizon for the account that corresponds to this :class:`Address`. Attempt to retrieve the following attributes from Horizon: * Sequence Number * Balances * Paging Token * Thresholds * Flags * Signers * Data :raises AccountNotExistError: If the account does not exist, shown by a 404 response from a Horizon server. :raises Exception: If any other problems come up, or if a network connection happens. """ try: acc = self.horizon.account(self.address) if acc.get('sequence'): self.sequence = acc.get('sequence') self.balances = acc.get('balances') self.paging_token = acc.get('paging_token') self.thresholds = acc.get('thresholds') self.flags = acc.get('flags') self.signers = acc.get('signers') = acc.get('data') elif acc.get('status') == 404: raise AccountNotExistError(acc.get('title')) else: # FIXME: Throw a more specific exception. raise Exception(acc.get('detail')) except requests.ConnectionError:
raise Exception('network problem')
[docs] def payments(self, sse=False, **kwargs): """Retrieve the payments JSON from this instance's Horizon server. Retrieve the payments JSON response for the account associated with this :class:`Address`. :param bool sse: Use the SSE client for connecting to Horizon. """ check_params(kwargs) return self.horizon.account_payments(
self.address, params=kwargs, sse=sse)
[docs] def offers(self, **kwargs): """Retrieve the offers JSON from this instance's Horizon server. Retrieve the offers JSON response for the account associated with this :class:`Address`. :param bool sse: Use the SSE client for connecting to Horizon. """ check_params(kwargs)
return self.horizon.account_offers(self.address, params=kwargs)
[docs] def transactions(self, sse=False, **kwargs): """Retrieve the transactions JSON from this instance's Horizon server. Retrieve the transactions JSON response for the account associated with this :class:`Address`. :param bool sse: Use the SSE client for connecting to Horizon. """ check_params(kwargs) return self.horizon.account_transactions(
self.address, params=kwargs, sse=sse)
[docs] def operations(self, sse=False, **kwargs): """Retrieve the operations JSON from this instance's Horizon server. Retrieve the operations JSON response for the account associated with this :class:`Address`. :param bool sse: Use the SSE client for connecting to Horizon. """ check_params(kwargs) return self.horizon.account_operations(
self.address, params=kwargs, sse=sse)
[docs] def effects(self, sse=False, **kwargs): """Retrieve the effects JSON from this instance's Horizon server. Retrieve the effects JSON response for the account associated with this :class:`Address`. :param bool sse: Use the SSE client for connecting to Horizon. """ check_params(kwargs) return self.horizon.account_effects(
self.address, params=kwargs, sse=sse) # TODO: Make this a private method of the Address class. def check_params(data): """Check for appropriate keywords for a Horizon request method. Check a dict of arguments to make sure that they only contain allowable params for requests to Horizon, such as 'cursor', 'limit', and 'order'. """ params_allowed = {'cursor', 'limit', 'order'} params = set(data.keys()) if params - params_allowed: raise NotValidParamError('not valid params')