Source code for stellar_base.federation

# coding: utf-8

import requests
import toml

from .keypair import Keypair
from .utils import DecodeError

[docs]def federation(address_or_id, fed_type='name', domain=None, allow_http=False): """Send a federation query to a Stellar Federation service. For more info, see the `complete guide on Stellar Federation. <>`_. :param str address_or_id: The address which you expect te retrieve federation information about. :param str fed_type: The type of federation query that you are making. Must be 'name', 'id', 'forward', or 'txid'. :param str domain: The domain that corresponds to the address or ID; this is where the stellar.toml file lives (which ultimately points to the URL of the federation service). :param bool allow_http: Whether to allow for requests over plain HTTP over HTTPS. Note - you should *always* use HTTPS outside of testing. :return dict: The federation query response decoded from JSON as a dict. """ if fed_type == 'name': if '*' not in address_or_id: raise FederationError('not a valid federation address') param, domain = address_or_id.rsplit('*', 1) if param == '' or domain == '': raise FederationError('not a valid federation address') elif fed_type == 'id': try: Keypair.from_address(address_or_id) except DecodeError: raise FederationError('not a valid account id') else: raise FederationError('not a valid fed_type') if '.' not in domain: raise FederationError('not a valid domain name') fed_service = get_federation_service(domain, allow_http) if not fed_service: raise FederationError('not a valid federation server')
return _get_federation_info(address_or_id, fed_service, fed_type) def _get_federation_info(address_or_id, federation_service, fed_type='name'): """Send a federation query to a Stellar Federation service. Note: The preferred method of making this call is via :function:`federation`, as it handles error checking and parsing of arguments. :param str address_or_id: The address which you expect te retrieve federation information about. :param str federation_service: The url of the federation service you're requesting information from. :param str fed_type: The type of federation query that you are making. Must be 'name', 'id', 'forward', or 'txid'. :return dict: The federation query response decoded from JSON as a dict. """ params = {'q': address_or_id, 'type': fed_type} r = requests.get(federation_service, params=params) if r.status_code == 200: return r.json() else: return None
[docs]def get_federation_service(domain, allow_http=False): """Retrieve the FEDERATION_SERVER config from a domain's stellar.toml. :param str domain: The domain the .toml file is hosted at. :param bool allow_http: Specifies whether the request should go over plain HTTP vs HTTPS. Note it is recommend that you *always* use HTTPS. :return str: The FEDERATION_SERVER url. """ st = get_stellar_toml(domain, allow_http) if not st: return None
return st.get('FEDERATION_SERVER')
[docs]def get_auth_server(domain, allow_http=False): """Retrieve the AUTH_SERVER config from a domain's stellar.toml. :param str domain: The domain the .toml file is hosted at. :param bool allow_http: Specifies whether the request should go over plain HTTP vs HTTPS. Note it is recommend that you *always* use HTTPS. :return str: The AUTH_SERVER url. """ st = get_stellar_toml(domain, allow_http) if not st: return None
return st.get('AUTH_SERVER')
[docs]def get_stellar_toml(domain, allow_http=False): """Retrieve the stellar.toml file from a given domain. Retrieve the stellar.toml file for information about interacting with Stellar's federation protocol for a given Stellar Anchor (specified by a domain). :param str domain: The domain the .toml file is hosted at. :param bool allow_http: Specifies whether the request should go over plain HTTP vs HTTPS. Note it is recommend that you *always* use HTTPS. :return: The stellar.toml file as a an object via :func:`toml.loads`. """ toml_link = '/.well-known/stellar.toml' if allow_http: protocol = 'http://' else: protocol = 'https://' url_list = ['', 'www.', 'stellar.'] url_list = [protocol + url + domain + toml_link for url in url_list] for url in url_list: r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code == 200: return toml.loads(r.text)
return None
[docs]class FederationError(Exception): """A :exc:`FederationError` that represents an issue stemming from Stellar Federation.