Source code for stellar_base.transaction

# coding: utf-8

import base64

from stellar_base.stellarxdr.StellarXDR_type import TimeBounds

from .memo import HashMemo, IdMemo, NoneMemo, RetHashMemo, TextMemo
from .operation import (
    CreateAccount, ManageOffer, AccountMerge, AllowTrust, ChangeTrust,
    CreatePassiveOffer, Inflation, ManageData, PathPayment, Payment,
from .stellarxdr import Xdr
from .utils import account_xdr_object, decode_check, encode_check

# TODO: Consider making a part of the Transaction object?
FEE = 100

[docs]class Transaction(object): """The :class:`Transaction` object, which represents a transaction on Stellar's network. A transaction contains a list of operations (see :class:`Operation <stellar_base.operation.Operation>`), which are all executed in order as one ACID transaction, along with an associated source account, fee, account sequence number, list of signatures, both an optional memo and an optional timebound. Typically a :class:`Transaction` is placed in a :class:`TransactionEnvelope <stellar_base.transaction_envelope.TransactionEnvelope>` which is then signed before being sent over the network. For more information on Transactions in Stellar, see `Stellar's guide on transactions`_. .. _Stellar's guide on transactions: :param str source: A strkey encoded account ID (public key) of the source account for the transaction. :param dict opts: A dict that contains the primary components of the transaction. The following keys are searched from the dict: * opts.sequence - The current sequence number of the source account. The sequence number is incremented by 1 automatically, as is necessary for a new transaction for a given source account. * opts.time_bounds - A list of two Unix timestamps representing the lower and upper bound of when a given transaction will be valid. NOTE: This should likely be an object containing a minTime and maxTime attribute instead, and the implementation may change. * opts.memo - The memo being sent with the transaction, being represented as one of the subclasses of the :class:`Memo <stellar_base.memo.Memo>` object. Defaults to :class:`NoneMemo <stellar_base.memo.NoneMemo>`. * opts.fee - The fee amount for the transaction, which should equal BASE_FEE (currently 100 stroops) multiplied by the number of operations in the transaction. See `Stellar's latest documentation on fees <>`_ for more information. * opts.operations: A list of :class:`Operation <stellar_base.operation.Operation>` objects (typically its subclasses as defined in :mod:`stellar_base.operation` to be included in the transaction. By default this is an empty list. """ # TODO: Why is this passed in as a dictionary (outside of conforming to the # JavaScript SDK)? Wouldn't it make more sense to use optional arguments? # Several of the components in opts are also required. Especially because # they're just being shoved into typed attributes anyways? def __init__(self, source, opts): # TODO: Remove these assert statements and throw more appropriate # exceptions. assert source is not None assert decode_check('account', source) assert type(opts) is dict assert opts.get('sequence') is not None self.source = source self.sequence = int(opts.get('sequence')) + 1 # FIXME: Shouldn't timebounds be an object that contains minTime and # maxTime fields? self.time_bounds = opts.get('timeBounds', []) if self.time_bounds: self.time_bounds = [ TimeBounds(minTime=self.time_bounds[0], maxTime=self.time_bounds[1])] self.memo = opts.get('memo', NoneMemo()) self.fee = int(opts['fee']) if 'fee' in opts else FEE self.operations = opts.get('operations', [])
[docs] def add_operation(self, operation): """Add an :class:`Operation <stellar_base.operation.Operation>` to this transaction. This method will only add an operation if it is not already in the transaction's list of operations, i.e. every operation in the transaction should be unique. :param Operation operation: The operation to add to this transaction. """ if operation not in self.operations:
[docs] def to_xdr_object(self): """Creates an XDR Transaction object that represents this :class:`Transaction`. """ source_account = account_xdr_object(self.source) memo = self.memo.to_xdr_object() operations = [o.to_xdr_object() for o in self.operations] ext = Xdr.nullclass() ext.v = 0 return Xdr.types.Transaction( source_account, self.fee, self.sequence, self.time_bounds, memo,
operations, ext)
[docs] def xdr(self): """Packs and base64 encodes this :class:`Transaction` as an XDR string. """ tx = Xdr.StellarXDRPacker() tx.pack_Transaction(self.to_xdr_object())
return base64.b64encode(tx.get_buffer())
[docs] @classmethod def from_xdr_object(cls, tx_xdr_object): """Create a :class:`Transaction` object from a Transaction XDR object. """ source = encode_check('account', tx_xdr_object.sourceAccount.ed25519) sequence = tx_xdr_object.seqNum - 1 time_bounds = tx_xdr_object.timeBounds if time_bounds: time_bounds = [time_bounds[0].minTime, time_bounds[0].maxTime] # TODO test memo_type = tx_xdr_object.memo.type memo_switch = tx_xdr_object.memo.switch if memo_type == Xdr.const.MEMO_TEXT: memo = TextMemo(memo_switch.decode()) elif memo_type == Xdr.const.MEMO_ID: memo = IdMemo(memo_switch) elif memo_type == Xdr.const.MEMO_HASH: memo = HashMemo(memo_switch) elif memo_type == Xdr.const.MEMO_RETURN: memo = RetHashMemo(memo_switch) else: memo = NoneMemo() fee = tx_xdr_object.fee operations = [] ops = tx_xdr_object.operations for op in ops: if op.type == Xdr.const.CREATE_ACCOUNT: operations.append(CreateAccount.from_xdr_object(op)) elif op.type == Xdr.const.PAYMENT: operations.append(Payment.from_xdr_object(op)) elif op.type == Xdr.const.PATH_PAYMENT: operations.append(PathPayment.from_xdr_object(op)) elif op.type == Xdr.const.CHANGE_TRUST: operations.append(ChangeTrust.from_xdr_object(op)) elif op.type == Xdr.const.ALLOW_TRUST: operations.append(AllowTrust.from_xdr_object(op)) elif op.type == Xdr.const.SET_OPTIONS: operations.append(SetOptions.from_xdr_object(op)) elif op.type == Xdr.const.MANAGE_OFFER: operations.append(ManageOffer.from_xdr_object(op)) elif op.type == Xdr.const.CREATE_PASSIVE_OFFER: operations.append(CreatePassiveOffer.from_xdr_object(op)) elif op.type == Xdr.const.ACCOUNT_MERGE: operations.append(AccountMerge.from_xdr_object(op)) elif op.type == Xdr.const.INFLATION: operations.append(Inflation.from_xdr_object(op)) elif op.type == Xdr.const.MANAGE_DATA: operations.append(ManageData.from_xdr_object(op)) return cls( source, { 'sequence': sequence, 'timeBounds': time_bounds, 'memo': memo, 'fee': fee, 'operations': operations