.. _quick_start: *********** Quick Start *********** Stellar Guides ============== At the absolute basics, you'll want to read up on `Stellar's Documentation Guides `_, as it contains a lot of information on the concepts used below (Transactions, Payments, Operations, KeyPairs, etc.). Alright, let's get started! =========================== First, you'll want to create a Stellar key pair. There are 2 methods for generating a key pair: Random Key Generation --------------------- Simply use :meth:`Keypair.random ` to generate the object like so: .. code-block:: python from stellar_base.keypair import Keypair kp = Keypair.random() Deterministic generation ------------------------ Or, generate the key pair is deterministically from a mnemonic string, also known as "seed phrase". This can be useful for backing up the passphrase on paper and using it later, or by making it easier to memorize than the secret seed. First you'll need to generate a mnemonic string: .. code-block:: python from stellar_base.utils import StellarMnemonic # Here we use Chinese, but English is the default language. sm = StellarMnemonic("chinese") secret_phrase = sm.generate() You can also use your own mnemonic string instead of a generated one. Once you've created your secret phrase, you should either write your phrase down or memorize it. You should not share your mnemonic string with anyone. From here, we use :meth:`Keypair.deterministic ` to generate the keypair from your secret phrase: .. code-block:: python kp = Keypair.deterministic(m, lang='chinese') You can even create multiple key pairs from the same phrase, using a different index with each call. For example: .. code-block:: python kp1 = Keypair.deterministic(m, lang='chinese', index=1) kp2 = Keypair.deterministic(m, lang='chinese', index=2) From the generated :class:`Keypair ` object, you can easily access your public and private key. .. code-block:: python publickey = kp.address().decode() seed = kp.seed().decode() Your master public key is also your account address. If someone needs to send you a transaction, you should share your public key with them. However, your secret seed should always remain locally on your computer, and it should never be transmitted over the internet. If you ever forget or lose the public key, you can regenerate the key pair from the your secret seed: .. code-block:: python from stellar_base.keypair import Keypair kp = Keypair.from_seed(seed) Both the public key and the secret seed can be regenerated via the secret phrase if you used on. .. code-block:: python from stellar_base.keypair import Keypair seed_phrase = '...' # the word sequence that you wrote down or memorized kp = Keypair.deterministic(seed_phrase, lang='chinese') However, if you used a random generator, it is important to never lose your seed - otherwise you won't be able to send transactions, and many other operations! Here is a sample key pair in Stellar Development Foundation's (SDF) TESTNET; let's use them in the following steps: .. code-block:: python publickey = 'GDVDKQFP665JAO7A2LSHNLQIUNYNAAIGJ6FYJVMG4DT3YJQQJSRBLQDG' seed = 'SCVLSUGYEAUC4MVWJORB63JBMY2CEX6ATTJ5MXTENGD3IELUQF4F6HUB' Create An Account ================= Now, in order to create an account, you need to run a :class:`CreateAccount ` operation with your new account ID. Due to `Stellar's account minimums `_, you'll need to transfer the minimum account balance from another account with the create account operation. As of this writing, minimum balance is ``1 XLM (2 x 0.5 Base Reserve)``, and is subject to change. Using The SDF Testnet --------------------- If you want to play in the Stellar test network, you can ask our `Friendbot `_ to create an account for you as shown below: .. code-block:: python import requests publickey = kp.address().decode() url = 'https://friendbot.stellar.org' r = requests.get(url, params={'addr': publickey}) Using The Stellar Live Network ------------------------------ On the other hand, if you would like to create an account on the live network, you should buy some Stellar Lumens from an exchange. When you withdraw the Lumens into your new account, the exchange will automatically create the account for you. However, if you want to create an account from another account of your own, here's an example of how to do so: .. code-block:: python from stellar_base.keypair import Keypair from stellar_base.asset import Asset from stellar_base.operation import CreateAccount, Payment from stellar_base.transaction import Transaction from stellar_base.transaction_envelope import TransactionEnvelope as Te from stellar_base.memo import TextMemo from stellar_base.horizon import horizon_livenet # This creates a new Horizon Livenet instance horizon = horizon_livenet() # This is the seed (the StrKey representation of the secret seed that # generates your private key from your original account that is funding the # new account in the create account operation. You'll need the seed in order # to sign off on the transaction. This is the source account. old_account_seed = "SCVLSUGYEAUC4MVWJORB63JBMY2CEX6ATTJ5MXTENGD3IELUQF4F6HUB" old_account_keypair = Keypair.from_seed(oldAccountSeed) # This is the new account ID (the StrKey representation of your newly # created public key). This is the destination account. new_account_addr = "GXXX" amount = '1' # Your new account minimum balance (in XLM) to transfer over # create the CreateAccount operation op = CreateAccount({ 'destination': new_account_addr, 'starting_balance': amount }) # create a memo memo = TextMemo('Transferring to my new account!') # Get the current sequence of the source account by contacting Horizon. You # should also check the response for errors! # Python 3 sequence = horizon.account(old_account_keypair.address().decode()).get('sequence') # Python 2 # sequence = horizon.account(old_account_keypair.address()).get('sequence') # Create a transaction with our single create account operation, with the # default fee of 100 stroops as of this writing (0.00001 XLM) tx = Transaction( source=kp.address().decode(), opts={ 'sequence': sequence, 'memo': memo, 'operations': [ op, ], }, ) # Build a transaction envelope, ready to be signed. envelope = Te(tx=tx, opts={"network_id": "PUBLIC"}) # Sign the transaction envelope with the source keypair envelope.sign(old_account_keypair) # Submit the transaction to Horizon te_xdr = envelope.xdr() response = horizon.submit(te_xdr) Make sure to look at the response body carefully, as it can be an error or a successful response. Looking up Account Details on Horizon ===================================== Basic Information ----------------- Once you have the account, you might want to look up its information from Horizon to verify the network knows about your new account: .. code-block:: python from stellar_base.address import Address publickey = 'GDVDKQFP665JAO7A2LSHNLQIUNYNAAIGJ6FYJVMG4DT3YJQQJSRBLQDG' address = Address(address=publickey) # See signature for additional args address.get() # Get the latest information from Horizon You can now retrieve information for the account's * Sequence Number * Balances * Paging Token * Thresholds * Flags * Signers * Data Like so: .. code-block:: python print("Balances: {}'.format(address.balances)) print("Sequence Number: {}'.format(address.sequence)) print("Flags: {}'.format(address.flags)) print("Signers: {}'.format(address.signers)) print("Data: {}'.format(address.data)) Most Recent Payments -------------------- We can check the most recent payments by: .. code-block:: python payments = address.payments() Like many Horizon endpoints, payments is `paginated `_. You can get different payments by using the following query parameters: limit, order, and cursor. So if you need to check payments after a specific cursor, try: .. code-block:: python address.payments(cursor='4225135422738433', limit=20, order='asc') You can also use `server sent events `_ if you want to by passing in sse=True on methods that have sse in their signature. .. code-block:: python address.payments(sse=True, limit=100) Other Account Attributes ------------------------ Just like payments, there are plenty of other account attributes you can look up via Horizon: .. code-block:: python address.transactions() address.effects() address.offers() address.operations() Look at the `Horizon API reference `_ for which endpoints support SSE. Building A Transaction ====================== When we created an account, we already created a transaction. We can build a transaction with a :class:`Builder `, or with a :class:`Transaction ` object by itself. We recommend you use the builder, as it handles a lot of the details for you, and you can focus on the important parameters in each method's signature. Using a Builder --------------- Let's send Bob a payment that we owe him. We'd go about this in the following way: .. code-block:: python from stellar_base.builder import Builder seed = "SCVLSUGYEAUC4MVWJORB63JBMY2CEX6ATTJ5MXTENGD3IELUQF4F6HUB" builder = Builder(secret=seed) # builder = Builder(secret=seed, network='public') for LIVENET bob_address = 'GXXX' builder.append_payment_op(bob_address, '100', 'XLM') builder.add_text_memo('For beers') # string length <= 28 bytes builder.sign() # Uses an internal horizon instance to submit over the network builder.submit() Or if you want to pay him with CNY: .. code-block:: python # This is a stellar issuing account ID for an anchor that issues CNY CNY_ISSUER = 'GDVDKQFP665JAO7A2LSHNLQIUNYNAAIGJ6FYJVMG4DT3YJQQJSRBLQDG' builder.append_payment_op(bob_address, '10', 'CNY', CNY_ISSUER) builder.add_text_memo('For beers') # string length <= 28 bytes builder.sign() # Uses an internal horizon instance to submit over the network builder.submit() And that's it! Sometimes, we work with multi-signature transactions that require your signature in addition to the the account that originally sealed the transaction in an envelope. Typically you'll get an XDR string that you need to sign. To do this, you use :meth:`import_from_xdr ` to import it into your builder. .. code-block:: python # This is the transaction that you need to add your signature to xdr_string = 'GXXX' builder = Builder(secret=seed) builder.import_from_xdr(xdr_string) builder.sign() xdr_string = builder.gen_xdr() From here you can pass along your XDR string to anyone else who needs to sign it, or you can submit it via `builder.submit()` if you're the last to sign. Using a Transaction Object -------------------------- Here is a full example of how to make a Transaction from scratch. As you can see, it requires a lot more imports and knowledge of internal objects, but it gives you the most flexibility before submitting your transaction over the wire. In this example, Alice is sending Bob 100 CNY. .. code-block:: python from stellar_base.keypair import Keypair from stellar_base.asset import Asset from stellar_base.operation import Payment from stellar_base.transaction import Transaction from stellar_base.transaction_envelope import TransactionEnvelope as Te from stellar_base.memo import TextMemo from stellar_base.horizon import horizon_testnet, horizon_livenet # Generate Alice's Keypair for ultimately signing and setting as the source alice_seed = 'SAZJ3EDATROKTNNN4WZBZPRC34AN5WR43VEHAFKT5D66UEZTKDNKUHOK' alice_kp = Keypair.from_seed(alice_seed) # Bob's address, for the destination bob_address = 'GDLP3SP4WP72L4BAJWZUDZ6SAYE4NAWILT5WQDS7RWC4XCUNUQDRB2A4' # The CNY Issuer's address CNY_ISSUER = 'GDVDKQFP665JAO7A2LSHNLQIUNYNAAIGJ6FYJVMG4DT3YJQQJSRBLQDG' horizon = horizon_testnet() # horizon = horizon_livenet() for LIVENET # create op amount = '100' asset = Asset('CNY', CNY_ISSUER) op = Payment({ # Source is also inferred from the transaction source, so it's optional. 'source' : alice_kp.address().decode(), 'destination': bob_address, 'asset': asset, 'amount': amount }) # create a memo msg = TextMemo('For beers yesterday!') # Get the current sequence of Alice # Python 3 sequence = horizon.account(alice_kp.address().decode('utf-8')).get('sequence') # Python 2 # sequence = horizon.account(alice_kp.address()).get('sequence') # Construct a transaction tx = Transaction( source = alice_kp.address().decode(), opts = { 'sequence': sequence, 'memo': msg, # Can specify a fee or use the default by not specifying it 'fee': 100, 'operations': [ op, ], }, ) # Build transaction envelope envelope = Te(tx=tx, opts={"network_id": "TESTNET"}) # or 'PUBLIC' # Sign the envelope envelope.sign(alice_kp) # Submit the transaction to Horizon! xdr = envelope.xdr() response = horizon.submit(xdr) What's Next =========== From here, we recommend you explore our :ref:`api`. In there you'll find out more about the various objects that represent concepts in Stellar, as well as some of the additional helper classes and functions that exist. Happy Coding!