Source code for stellar_base.builder

# coding: utf-8
import binascii
import warnings

from .asset import Asset
from .horizon import HORIZON_LIVE, HORIZON_TEST
from .horizon import Horizon
from .keypair import Keypair
from . import memo
from .network import NETWORKS, Network
from . import operation
from .transaction import Transaction
from .transaction_envelope import TransactionEnvelope as Te
from .exceptions import SignatureExistError
from .federation import federation, FederationError

[docs]class Builder(object): """The :class:`Builder` object, which uses the builder pattern to create a list of operations in a :class:`Transaction`, ultimately to be submitted as a :class:`TransactionEnvelope` to the network via Horizon (see :class:`Horizon`). :param str secret: The base32 secret seed for the source address. :param str address: The base32 source address. :param str horizon_uri: The horizon instance to use for submitting the created transaction. :param str network: The network to connect to for verifying and retrieving additional attributes from. 'PUBLIC' is an alias for 'Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015', 'TESTNET' is an alias for 'Test SDF Network ; September 2015'. Defaults to TESTNET. :param sequence: The sequence number to use for submitting this transaction with (must be the *current* sequence number of the source account) :type sequence: int, str :param int fee: The network base fee is currently set to 100 stroops (0.00001 lumens). Transaction fee is equal to base fee times number of operations in this transaction. """ def __init__(self, secret=None, address=None, horizon_uri=None, network=None, sequence=None, fee=100): if secret: self.keypair = Keypair.from_seed(secret) self.address = self.keypair.address().decode() else: self.keypair = None self.address = None if address is None and secret is None: raise Exception('No Stellar address afforded.') if address is not None and secret is None: self.address = Keypair.from_address(address).address().decode() self.keypair = None if network is None: = 'TESTNET' elif network.upper() in NETWORKS: = network.upper() else: = network if horizon_uri: self.horizon = Horizon(horizon_uri) elif == 'PUBLIC': self.horizon = Horizon(HORIZON_LIVE) else: self.horizon = Horizon(HORIZON_TEST) if sequence: self.sequence = int(sequence) elif self.address: self.sequence = self.get_sequence() else: self.sequence = None self.ops = [] self.time_bounds = None self.memo = memo.NoneMemo() self.fee = fee self.tx = None self.te = None
[docs] def append_op(self, operation): """Append an :class:`Operation <stellar_base.operation.Operation>` to the list of operations. Add the operation specified if it doesn't already exist in the list of operations of this :class:`Builder` instance. :param operation: The operation to append to the list of operations. :type operation: :class:`Operation` :return: This builder instance. """ if operation not in self.ops: self.ops.append(operation) return self
[docs] def append_create_account_op(self, destination, starting_balance, source=None): """Append a :class:`CreateAccount <stellar_base.operation.CreateAccount>` operation to the list of operations. :param str destination: Account address that is created and funded. :param str starting_balance: Amount of XLM to send to the newly created account. This XLM comes from the source account. :param str source: The source address to deduct funds from to fund the new account. :return: This builder instance. """ op = operation.CreateAccount(destination, starting_balance, source) return self.append_op(op)
[docs] def append_trust_op(self, destination, code, limit=None, source=None): """append_trust_op will be deprecated in the future, use append_change_trust_op instead. Append a :class:`ChangeTrust <stellar_base.operation.ChangeTrust>` operation to the list of operations. :param str destination: The issuer address for the asset. :param str code: The asset code for the asset. :param str limit: The limit of the new trustline. :param str source: The source address to add the trustline to. :return: This builder instance. """ warnings.warn( "append_trust_op will be deprecated in the future, use append_change_trust_op instead.", PendingDeprecationWarning ) return self.append_change_trust_op(asset_code=code, asset_issuer=destination, limit=limit, source=source)
[docs] def append_change_trust_op(self, asset_code, asset_issuer, limit=None, source=None): """Append a :class:`ChangeTrust <stellar_base.operation.ChangeTrust>` operation to the list of operations. :param str asset_issuer: The issuer address for the asset. :param str asset_code: The asset code for the asset. :param str limit: The limit of the new trustline. :param str source: The source address to add the trustline to. :return: This builder instance. """ asset = Asset(asset_code, asset_issuer) op = operation.ChangeTrust(asset, limit, source) return self.append_op(op)
[docs] def append_payment_op(self, destination, amount, asset_code='XLM', asset_issuer=None, source=None): """Append a :class:`Payment <stellar_base.operation.Payment>` operation to the list of operations. :param str destination: Account address that receives the payment. :param str amount: The amount of the currency to send in the payment. :param str asset_code: The asset code for the asset to send. :param asset_issuer: The address of the issuer of the asset. :type asset_issuer: str, None :param str source: The source address of the payment. :return: This builder instance. """ asset = Asset(code=asset_code, issuer=asset_issuer) op = operation.Payment(destination, asset, amount, source) return self.append_op(op)
[docs] def append_path_payment_op(self, destination, send_code, send_issuer, send_max, dest_code, dest_issuer, dest_amount, path, source=None): """Append a :class:`PathPayment <stellar_base.operation.PathPayment>` operation to the list of operations. :param str destination: The destination address (Account ID) for the payment. :param str send_code: The asset code for the source asset deducted from the source account. :param send_issuer: The address of the issuer of the source asset. :type send_issuer: str, None :param str send_max: The maximum amount of send asset to deduct (excluding fees). :param str dest_code: The asset code for the final destination asset sent to the recipient. :param dest_issuer: Account address that receives the payment. :type dest_issuer: str, None :param str dest_amount: The amount of destination asset the destination account receives. :param list path: A list of asset tuples, each tuple containing a (asset_code, asset_issuer) for each asset in the path. For the native asset, `None` is used for the asset_issuer. :param str source: The source address of the path payment. :return: This builder instance. """ # path: a list of asset tuple which contains asset_code and asset_issuer, # [(asset_code, asset_issuer), (asset_code, asset_issuer)] for native asset you can deliver # ('XLM', None) send_asset = Asset(send_code, send_issuer) dest_asset = Asset(dest_code, dest_issuer) assets = [] for p in path: assets.append(Asset(p[0], p[1])) op = operation.PathPayment(destination, send_asset, send_max, dest_asset, dest_amount, assets, source) return self.append_op(op)
[docs] def append_allow_trust_op(self, trustor, asset_code, authorize, source=None): """Append an :class:`AllowTrust <stellar_base.operation.AllowTrust>` operation to the list of operations. :param str trustor: The account of the recipient of the trustline. :param str asset_code: The asset of the trustline the source account is authorizing. For example, if an anchor wants to allow another account to hold its USD credit, the type is USD:anchor. :param bool authorize: Flag indicating whether the trustline is authorized. :param str source: The source address that is establishing the trust in the allow trust operation. :return: This builder instance. """ op = operation.AllowTrust(trustor, asset_code, authorize, source) return self.append_op(op)
[docs] def append_set_options_op(self, inflation_dest=None, clear_flags=None, set_flags=None, master_weight=None, low_threshold=None, med_threshold=None, high_threshold=None, home_domain=None, signer_address=None, signer_type=None, signer_weight=None, source=None): """Append a :class:`SetOptions <stellar_base.operation.SetOptions>` operation to the list of operations. .. _Accounts: :param str inflation_dest: The address in which to send inflation to on an :class:`Inflation <stellar_base.operation.Inflation>` operation. :param int clear_flags: Indicates which flags to clear. For details about the flags, please refer to Stellar's documentation on `Accounts`_. The bit mask integer subtracts from the existing flags of the account. This allows for setting specific bits without knowledge of existing flags. :param int set_flags: Indicates which flags to set. For details about the flags, please refer to Stellar's documentation on `Accounts`_. The bit mask integer adds onto the existing flags of the account. This allows for setting specific bits without knowledge of existing flags. :param int master_weight: Weight of the master key. This account may also add other keys with which to sign transactions using the signer param. :param int low_threshold: A number from 0-255 representing the threshold this account sets on all operations it performs that have a `low threshold <>`_. :param int med_threshold: A number from 0-255 representing the threshold this account sets on all operations it performs that have a `medium threshold <>`_. :param int high_threshold: A number from 0-255 representing the threshold this account sets on all operations it performs that have a `high threshold <>`_. :param str home_domain: Sets the home domain of an account. See Stellar's documentation on `Federation <>`_. :param signer_address: The address of the new signer to add to the source account. :type signer_address: str, bytes :param str signer_type: The type of signer to add to the account. Must be in ('ed25519PublicKey', 'hashX', 'preAuthTx'). See Stellar's documentation for `Multi-Sign <>`_ for more information. :param int signer_weight: The weight of the signer. If the weight is 0, the signer will be deleted. :param str source: The source address for which options are being set. :return: This builder instance. """ op = operation.SetOptions(inflation_dest, clear_flags, set_flags, master_weight, low_threshold, med_threshold, high_threshold, home_domain, signer_address, signer_type, signer_weight, source) return self.append_op(op)
[docs] def append_hashx_signer(self, hashx, signer_weight, source=None): """Add a HashX signer to an account. Add a HashX signer to an account via a :class:`SetOptions <stellar_base.operation.SetOptions` operation. This is a helper function for :meth:`append_set_options_op`. :param hashx: The address of the new hashX signer. :type hashx: str, bytes :param int signer_weight: The weight of the new signer. :param str source: The source account that is adding a signer to its list of signers. :return: This builder instance. """ return self.append_set_options_op( signer_address=hashx, signer_type='hashX', signer_weight=signer_weight, source=source)
[docs] def append_pre_auth_tx_signer(self, pre_auth_tx, signer_weight, source=None): """Add a PreAuthTx signer to an account. Add a PreAuthTx signer to an account via a :class:`SetOptions <stellar_base.operation.SetOptions` operation. This is a helper function for :meth:`append_set_options_op`. :param pre_auth_tx: The address of the new preAuthTx signer - obtained by calling `hash_meta` on the TransactionEnvelope. :type pre_auth_tx: str, bytes :param int signer_weight: The weight of the new signer. :param str source: The source account that is adding a signer to its list of signers. :return: This builder instance. """ return self.append_set_options_op( signer_address=pre_auth_tx, signer_type='preAuthTx', signer_weight=signer_weight, source=source)
[docs] def append_manage_offer_op(self, selling_code, selling_issuer, buying_code, buying_issuer, amount, price, offer_id=0, source=None): """Append a :class:`ManageOffer <stellar_base.operation.ManageOffer>` operation to the list of operations. :param str selling_code: The asset code for the asset the offer creator is selling. :param selling_issuer: The issuing address for the asset the offer creator is selling. :type selling_issuer: str, None :param str buying_code: The asset code for the asset the offer creator is buying. :param buying_issuer: The issuing address for the asset the offer creator is selling. :type buying_issuer: str, None :param str amount: Amount of the asset being sold. Set to 0 if you want to delete an existing offer. :param price: Price of 1 unit of selling in terms of buying. You can pass in a number as a string or a dict like `{n: numerator, d: denominator}` :type price: str, dict :param int offer_id: The ID of the offer. 0 for new offer. Set to existing offer ID to update or delete. :param str source: The source address that is managing an offer on Stellar's distributed exchange. :return: This builder instance. """ selling = Asset(selling_code, selling_issuer) buying = Asset(buying_code, buying_issuer) op = operation.ManageOffer(selling, buying, amount, price, offer_id, source) return self.append_op(op)
[docs] def append_create_passive_offer_op(self, selling_code, selling_issuer, buying_code, buying_issuer, amount, price, source=None): """Append a :class:`CreatePassiveOffer <stellar_base.operation.CreatePassiveOffer>` operation to the list of operations. :param str selling_code: The asset code for the asset the offer creator is selling. :param selling_issuer: The issuing address for the asset the offer creator is selling. :type selling_issuer: str, None :param str buying_code: The asset code for the asset the offer creator is buying. :param buying_issuer: The issuing address for the asset the offer creator is selling. :type buying_issuer: str, None :param str amount: Amount of the asset being sold. Set to 0 if you want to delete an existing offer. :param price: Price of 1 unit of selling in terms of buying. You can pass in a number as a string or a dict like `{n: numerator, d: denominator}` :type price: str, dict :param str source: The source address that is creating a passive offer on Stellar's distributed exchange. :return: This builder instance. """ selling = Asset(selling_code, selling_issuer) buying = Asset(buying_code, buying_issuer) op = operation.CreatePassiveOffer(selling, buying, amount, price, source) return self.append_op(op)
[docs] def append_account_merge_op(self, destination, source=None): """Append a :class:`AccountMerge <stellar_base.operation.AccountMerge>` operation to the list of operations. :param str destination: The ID of the offer. 0 for new offer. Set to existing offer ID to update or delete. :param str source: The source address that is being merged into the destination account. :return: This builder instance. """ op = operation.AccountMerge(destination, source) return self.append_op(op)
[docs] def append_inflation_op(self, source=None): """Append a :class:`Inflation <stellar_base.operation.Inflation>` operation to the list of operations. :param str source: The source address that is running the inflation operation. :return: This builder instance. """ op = operation.Inflation(source) return self.append_op(op)
[docs] def append_manage_data_op(self, data_name, data_value, source=None): """Append a :class:`ManageData <stellar_base.operation.ManageData>` operation to the list of operations. :param str data_name: String up to 64 bytes long. If this is a new Name it will add the given name/value pair to the account. If this Name is already present then the associated value will be modified. :param data_value: If not present then the existing Name will be deleted. If present then this value will be set in the DataEntry. Up to 64 bytes long. :type data_value: str, bytes, None :param str source: The source account on which data is being managed. operation. :return: This builder instance. """ op = operation.ManageData(data_name, data_value, source) return self.append_op(op)
[docs] def append_bump_sequence_op(self, bump_to, source=None): """Append a :class:`BumpSequence <stellar_base.operation.BumpSequence>` operation to the list of operations. Only available in protocol version 10 and above :param int bump_to: Sequence number to bump to. :param str source: The source address that is running the inflation operation. :return: This builder instance. """ op = operation.BumpSequence(bump_to, source) return self.append_op(op)
[docs] def add_memo(self, memo): """Set the memo for the transaction build by this :class:`Builder`. :param memo: A memo to add to this transaction. :type memo: :class:`Memo <stellar_base.memo.Memo>` :return: This builder instance. """ self.memo = memo return self
[docs] def add_text_memo(self, memo_text): """Set the memo for the transaction to a new :class:`TextMemo <stellar_base.memo.TextMemo>`. :param str memo_text: The text for the memo to add. :return: This builder instance. """ memo_text = memo.TextMemo(memo_text) return self.add_memo(memo_text)
[docs] def add_id_memo(self, memo_id): """Set the memo for the transaction to a new :class:`IdMemo <stellar_base.memo.IdMemo>`. :param int memo_id: A 64 bit unsigned integer to set as the memo. :return: This builder instance. """ memo_id = memo.IdMemo(memo_id) return self.add_memo(memo_id)
[docs] def add_hash_memo(self, memo_hash): """Set the memo for the transaction to a new :class:`HashMemo <stellar_base.memo.HashMemo>`. :param memo_hash: A 32 byte hash or hex encoded string to use as the memo. :type memo_hash: bytes, str :return: This builder instance. """ memo_hash = memo.HashMemo(memo_hash) return self.add_memo(memo_hash)
[docs] def add_ret_hash_memo(self, memo_return): """Set the memo for the transaction to a new :class:`RetHashMemo <stellar_base.memo.RetHashMemo>`. :param bytes memo_return: A 32 byte hash or hex encoded string intended to be interpreted as the hash of the transaction the sender is refunding. :type memo_return: bytes, str :return: This builder instance. """ memo_return = memo.RetHashMemo(memo_return) return self.add_memo(memo_return)
[docs] def add_time_bounds(self, time_bounds): """Add a time bound to this transaction. Add a UNIX timestamp, determined by ledger time, of a lower and upper bound of when this transaction will be valid. If a transaction is submitted too early or too late, it will fail to make it into the transaction set. maxTime equal 0 means that it's not set. :param dict time_bounds: A dict that contains a minTime and maxTime attribute (`{'minTime': 1534392138, 'maxTime': 1534392238}`) representing the lower and upper bound of when a given transaction will be valid. :return: This builder instance. """ self.time_bounds = time_bounds return self
[docs] def federation_payment(self, fed_address, amount, asset_code='XLM', asset_issuer=None, source=None, allow_http=False): """Append a :class:`Payment <stellar_base.operation.Payment>` operation to the list of operations using federation on the destination address. Translates the destination stellar address to an account ID via :func:`federation <stellar_base.federation.federation>`, before creating a new payment operation via :meth:`append_payment_op`. :param str fed_address: A Stellar Address that needs to be translated into a valid account ID via federation. :param str amount: The amount of the currency to send in the payment. :param str asset_code: The asset code for the asset to send. :param str asset_issuer: The address of the issuer of the asset. :param str source: The source address of the payment. :param bool allow_http: When set to `True`, connections to insecure http protocol federation servers will be allowed. Must be set to `False` in production. Default: `False`. :return: This builder instance. """ fed_info = federation( address_or_id=fed_address, fed_type='name', allow_http=allow_http) if not fed_info or not fed_info.get('account_id'): raise FederationError( 'Cannot determine Stellar Address to Account ID translation ' 'via Federation server') self.append_payment_op(fed_info['account_id'], amount, asset_code, asset_issuer, source) memo_type = fed_info.get('memo_type') if memo_type is not None and memo_type in ('text', 'id', 'hash'): getattr(self, 'add_' + memo_type + '_memo')(fed_info['memo'])
[docs] def gen_tx(self): """Generate a :class:`Transaction <stellar_base.transaction.Transaction>` object from the list of operations contained within this object. :return: A transaction representing all of the operations that have been appended to this builder. :rtype: :class:`Transaction <stellar_base.transaction.Transaction>` """ if not self.address: raise Exception('Transaction does not have any source address') if not self.sequence: raise Exception('No sequence is present, maybe not funded?') tx = Transaction( source=self.address, sequence=self.sequence, time_bounds=self.time_bounds, memo=self.memo, fee=self.fee * len(self.ops), operations=self.ops) self.tx = tx return tx
[docs] def gen_te(self): """Generate a :class:`TransactionEnvelope <stellar_base.transaction_envelope.TransactionEnvelope>` around the generated Transaction via the list of operations in this instance. :return: A transaction envelope ready to send over the network. :rtype: :class:`TransactionEnvelope <stellar_base.transaction_envelope.TransactionEnvelope>` """ if self.tx is None: self.gen_tx() te = Te(self.tx, if self.te: te.signatures = self.te.signatures self.te = te return te
[docs] def gen_xdr(self): """Create an XDR object around a newly generated :class:`TransactionEnvelope <stellar_base.transaction_envelope.TransactionEnvelope>`. :return: An XDR object representing a newly created transaction envelope ready to send over the network. """ if self.tx is None: self.gen_te() return self.te.xdr()
[docs] def gen_compliance_xdr(self): """Create an XDR object representing this builder's transaction to be sent over via the Compliance protocol (notably, with a sequence number of 0). Intentionally, the XDR object is returned without any signatures on the transaction. See `Stellar's documentation on its Compliance Protocol <>`_ for more information. """ sequence = self.sequence self.sequence = -1 tx_xdr = self.gen_tx().xdr() self.sequence = sequence return tx_xdr
[docs] def hash(self): """Return a hash for this transaction. :return: A hash for this transaction. :rtype: bytes """ return self.gen_te().hash_meta()
[docs] def hash_hex(self): """Return a hex encoded hash for this transaction. :return: A hex encoded hash for this transaction. :rtype: str """ return binascii.hexlify(self.hash()).decode()
[docs] def import_from_xdr(self, xdr): """Create a :class:`TransactionEnvelope <stellar_base.transaction_envelope.TransactionEnvelope>` via an XDR object. In addition, sets the fields of this builder (the transaction envelope, transaction, operations, source, etc.) to all of the fields in the provided XDR transaction envelope. :param xdr: The XDR object representing the transaction envelope to which this builder is setting its state to. :type xdr: bytes, str """ te = Te.from_xdr(xdr) if in NETWORKS: te.network_id = Network(NETWORKS[]).network_id() else: te.network_id = Network( self.te = te self.tx = te.tx # with a different source or not . self.ops = te.tx.operations self.address = te.tx.source self.sequence = te.tx.sequence - 1 time_bounds_in_xdr = te.tx.time_bounds if time_bounds_in_xdr: self.time_bounds = { 'maxTime': time_bounds_in_xdr[0].maxTime, 'minTime': time_bounds_in_xdr[0].minTime } else: self.time_bounds = None self.memo = te.tx.memo return self
[docs] def sign(self, secret=None): """Sign the generated :class:`TransactionEnvelope <stellar_base.transaction_envelope.TransactionEnvelope>` from the list of this builder's operations. :param str secret: The secret seed to use if a key pair or secret was not provided when this class was originaly instantiated, or if another key is being utilized to sign the transaction envelope. """ keypair = self.keypair if not secret else Keypair.from_seed(secret) self.gen_te() try: self.te.sign(keypair) except SignatureExistError: raise
[docs] def sign_preimage(self, preimage): """Sign the generated transaction envelope using a Hash(x) signature. :param preimage: The value to be hashed and used as a signer on the transaction envelope. :type preimage: str, bytes """ if self.te is None: self.gen_te() try: self.te.sign_hashX(preimage) except SignatureExistError: raise
[docs] def submit(self): """Submit the generated XDR object of the built transaction envelope to Horizon. Sends the generated transaction envelope over the wire via this builder's :class:`Horizon <stellar_base.horizon.Horizon>` instance. Note that you'll typically want to sign the transaction before submitting via the sign methods. :returns: A dict representing the JSON response from Horizon. """ return self.horizon.submit(self.gen_xdr())
[docs] def next_builder(self): """Create a new builder based off of this one with its sequence number incremented. :return: A new Builder instance :rtype: :class:`Builder` """ sequence = self.sequence + 1 next_builder = Builder( horizon_uri=self.horizon.horizon_uri, address=self.address,, sequence=sequence, fee=self.fee) next_builder.keypair = self.keypair return next_builder
[docs] def get_sequence(self): """Get the sequence number for a given account via Horizon. :return: The current sequence number for a given account :rtype: int """ if not self.address: raise ValueError('No address provided') address = self.horizon.account(self.address) return int(address.get('sequence'))